Wound Care

Wound Care services offered in Venice, Sarasota, Bradenton and Ellenton, FL

Wound care provides prompt treatment for diabetic ulcers, cuts, and other types of slow-healing wounds. It speeds up your body’s healing process and reduces your risk of common complications, like infection. At Primary Care of Venice in Venice, Florida, the skilled primary care team provides wound care to people of all ages. Call Primary Care of Venice today to schedule a wound care appointment, or book your visit online.

Wound Care Q&A

What types of injuries does wound care treat?

The Primary Care or Venice team uses wound care to treat various skin injuries, including:


Abrasions occur when your skin rubs against a rough surface, like concrete or asphalt. Abrasions don’t bleed a lot, but without treatment, they can become infected.


Lacerations cause a deep cut or tear in your skin. They’re caused by sharp objects, like knives, saws, and hand tools. 


An avulsion is a wound that tears through your skin and some of the underlying tissue. These wounds often bleed heavily. They’re typically caused by traumatic injuries.

Puncture wounds

These wounds occur when you come into contact with a sharp object, like a nail or ice pick. They’re small and round and occur in specific areas of the body, like the feet.

When should I consider professional wound care?

Most minor wounds can be treated at home with conservative measures, like bandages and antibacterial ointment. However, more serious wounds require professional intervention. Make an appointment at Primary Care of Venice if your wound:

  • Is deeper than ½ inch
  • Continues bleeding even after you apply pressure
  • Bleeds for longer than 20 minutes
  • Is due to a serious accident, like a car crash or a severe fall

Seek treatment if there’s any question about your wound’s severity. The sooner you receive treatment, the less likely you are to experience complications like infection or gangrene (tissue death). 

What happens during a wound care appointment?

The Primary Care of Venice team tailors wound care to each person’s symptoms and needs. 

Your provider reviews your medical records and asks about your wound, including when it occurred, how much it bled, and if you’re experiencing other symptoms, like bruising or pain. 

Next, they examine your wound, checking for signs of infection. They might collect a tissue sample (biopsy) and send it to a lab for testing. Similarly, they might order X-rays, an ultrasound, or an MRI to see how far the wound extends beneath your skin and if it's damaged other tissues.

Afterward, your provider makes personalized treatment recommendations. They could suggest:

  • Closing the wound with sutures or stitches
  • Packing the wound with gauze
  • Getting a tetanus shot (if you have a puncture wound)
  • Debridement (cutting away dead or damaged tissue)
  • Prescription pain medication
  • Prescription antibiotics

Call Primary Care of Venice today to schedule a wound care appointment, or book your visit online.