
Telehealth services offered in Venice, Sarasota, Bradenton and Ellenton, FL

Telehealth lets you meet with your doctor from anywhere with a secure internet connection. This saves you time and energy and prevents the hassle of visiting the office in person. At Primary Care of Venice in Venice, Florida, the skilled primary care team provides telehealth visits to people of all ages. Call Primary Care of Venice today to schedule a telehealth appointment for yourself or your child, or book your appointment online.

Telehealth Q&A

Is telehealth the same as telemedicine?

Yes. Telehealth and telemedicine are the same. Specifically, they let you visit your doctor from the comfort of your own home. 

Thanks to modern technologies like smartphones, computers, and tablets, you can share personal health information securely and receive the treatment you need. It’s quick, convenient, and saves you time.

What types of services does telehealth provide?

The Primary Care or Venice team provides various services with telehealth, including:

  • Routine check-ups and physical exams
  • Treatment of infectious conditions, like the flu and COVID-19
  • Treatment of minor injuries, like strains, sprains, and cuts
  • Mental health care services, like therapy
  • Specialist consultations
  • Surgery follow-up
  • Medication monitoring
  • Review of results from lab tests, like blood work and urinalysis

Many services can be conducted through telehealth, but you might still need to visit the Primary Care of Venice office in person. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth offers various benefits compared with traditional in-office visits. For one, it lets you meet with your doctor on your schedule. If you have kids or provide care for an elderly loved one, finding a babysitter or substitute caretaker can be a hassle. Telehealth saves you the headache of finding someone, letting you speak with your doctor from home instead. 

Similarly, telehealth protects your health and the health of others. For example, if you have a contagious illness, like the flu, telehealth lets you get the care you need without exposing others to your germs.

What does a telehealth appointment involve?

At Primary Care of Venice, the team tailors telehealth to each person’s needs. Even so, the process typically follows the same steps. 

Before your appointment, the team sends you a link to access their secure online telehealth platform. Make sure to access the link before your appointment. This lets you test your web camera, microphone, and internet connection to ensure everything works accordingly. 

During your telehealth visit, your provider asks about your symptoms, health, and goals. Depending on the reason for your visit, they might ask you to point your web camera or smartphone at a specific area of your body, like a swollen joint.

Most procedures can be conducted online, but the team might ask you to visit the office in person if you need additional testing. 

Call Primary Care of Venice today to schedule a telehealth appointment, or book your visit online.